Lorenzo Perez è un avvocato esperto in giurisprudenza che pratica principalmente la difesa penale e il diritto processuale civile, e si impegna anche nella difesa dell'appello. Per oltre venticinque anni, in tutto il Massachusetts e alla Corte Federale, ha rappresentato clienti per i quali ha ottenuto risultati estremamente favorevoli, tra cui numerosi verdetti non colpevoli presso il Distretto del Massachusetts e le Corti Superiori, oltre a verdetti di non colpevolezza straordinari presso la Corte distrettuale federale anche se il tasso di condanna al Tribunale federale è compreso tra l'85% e il 95%.
I risultati favorevoli includono anche: impegni finanziari a vita e assistenza medica, decisioni favorevoli in merito alla soppressione delle prove e proposte di licenziamento delle accuse, e l'elusione delle incriminazioni del Grand Jury per gli imprenditori e per i clienti della difesa criminale falsamente accusati. Inoltre, senza pagare una tassa (pro bono), l'avvocato Perez rappresenta regolarmente le persone che non possono altrimenti permettersi i suoi servizi e gli accusati ingiustamente nei casi del Progetto Innocence.
Sebbene l'avvocato Perez rappresenti regolarmente clienti accusati di omicidio, gravi crimini e in complesse questioni civili, si rende disponibile ai clienti anche in casi meno gravi - e ai genitori di minori interessati a proteggere i propri figli da ingiuste condanne penali e dalla prospettiva di un futuro con precedenti penali. Spesso i suoi clienti sono membri della comunità ben rispettati (professori di Harvard, dottorandi del MIT, ufficiali di polizia, laureati di West Point, veterani, ecc.) Che - a causa di uno sfortunato colpo di scena o di un errore giudicante - trovano essi stessi hanno bisogno di un abile avvocato di prova e di un rappresentante esperto per evitare l'incriminazione del Grand Jury per reati commerciali, crimini, tragedie veicolari o false accuse.
Durante la sua carriera, l'avvocato Perez ha affrontato i casi più difficili e più difficili che si possano immaginare e vincere. Ha sviluppato una carriera di nicchia per ottenere verdetti estremamente favorevoli in casi molto difficili. Con la massima considerazione per il diritto a un processo con giuria - il diritto più prezioso del nostro sistema legale - l'approccio dell'avvocato Perez è quello di informare e guidare le giurie di un verdetto giusto, poiché i giurati ben informati giungeranno a un verdetto.
Dedicandosi al miglioramento della pratica della giurisprudenza, l'avvocato Perez insegna regolarmente seminari sulle capacità legali agli avvocati del Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education per il Comitato per i servizi di consulenza pubblica e gli avvocati difensori del Middlesex. Contribuisce inoltre all'integrità della comunità legale servendo come consigliere auditore presso il Board of Bar Overseers ed è un sostenitore attivo del Progetto Innocence, avendo lavorato come Assistant Director del New England Innocence Project, e il direttore di il progetto Cambridge Innocence.
L'avvocato Perez è membro del Massachusetts Bar (1992), del Federal Bar (1st Circuit) (2004) e della Corte d'appello degli Stati Uniti (2004).
L'avvocato Perez si è laureato alla Boston University Law School (1992) e alla Bentley University (1988); L'istruzione post-dottorato comprende: Harvard University Graduate School of Education, Harvard University Extension School e New York University Gallatin School of Individualized Study.
Avendo completato le seguenti acclamazioni accademiche di abilità nazionali, l'avvocato Perez è un alunno certificato di quanto segue:
- Il National National Criminal Defense College,
- L'Istituto nazionale degli avvocati di prova, e
- L'Istituto di difesa della difesa penale.
L'avvocato Perez ha tenuto le seguenti associazioni professionali:
- Associazione nazionale degli avvocati della difesa penale,
- Avvocati dell'Associazione di avvocati della criminologia del Massachusetts,
- Dorchester Bar Association (past President),
- Southern Poverty Law Project,
- American Veteran's Association; e,
- Mensa.
2023: Three cases, collectively, where Felony and Misdemeanor charges were avoided, no indictment, nor record of any sort resulted. Promising college students' hearings resulting in continuing their educational, vocational, and personal goals without being saddled with a criminal record as a result.
2022: First Degree Murder Charge Dismissed. Motion to Dismiss First Degree Murder Indictment Allowed; Charge Dismissed.
2022: $980,000 Verdict. Head injury suffered by Client while at MASAC for addiction treatment ordered by the Court at the request of Client's family. In conjunction with Attorney Jennifer O'Brien.
2022: Not Guilty Verdict. Assault & Battery Charge arising from a divorce and custody battle against career military enlisted officer with security clearance. Jury did not credit the accusing witness's accusation. Jury verdict, Not Guilty.
2021: First Degree Murder Case, Motion to Suppress Statements Allowed, Partial Statement Suppressed from trial as a result. Plea negotiated following resulted in Manslaughter plea, which involved Murder charge being dismissed.
2020: All Dismissed Charges. Disabled State Trooper Injured in Line Duty, developed an addiction and was charged with Assault & Battery on family members. Multiple charges in both Taunton District Court and Roxbury District Court; All Charges Dismissed. Defendant released from incarceration, and returned to No Convictions Status, clearing the way for reentry into law enforcement career options and reunion with his family.
2019: Client freed from Prison After 22 Years Incarcerated. Judge Ruled that Defendant was unfairly tried and convicted must be released from unlawful incarceration. Fifteen witnesses, and substantial evidence required the Court to Grant a Motion for New Trial. Defendant released after 22 years incarcerated. Suffolk Superior Court.
2016: Rape Allegation, Case Dismissed Prior to Arraignment During the Grand Jury Investigation Process. Allegation against a young man were recanted by the accusing party as a result of a comprehensive investigation conducted by Bobby Rogers, Investigative Consultants, Cambridge/Brockton, MA, due to several witnesses, facts, and the timeline of events all uncovered lack of veracity re. charges. All investigative information turned over to the Middlesex District Attorney's Office -- the accusing party recanted the accusation, and the prosecutor ceased litigation.
2016: Lifetime Parole Revocation Hearing due to alleged violation of parole. Parolee Violation Rescinded after Parole Hearing; Returned to Liberty to Resume Parole Status. Massachusetts Parole Board.
2015: Defendant Held Not Competent to Stand Trial Determination. Middlesex Superior Court.
2013: Commitment of up to life sentence. "Not guilty"Jury verdict, Middlesex Superior Court.
2011: Not Guilty Jury Verdict, Possession of Large Capacity Firearm in the Home. Suffolk Superior Court.
2011: Motion to Suppress Evidence Granted. Minor in Possession of Alcohol, Disorderly House, Procuring Alcohol. Charges Dismissed as a result of law enforcement illegal entry and search of the home. Cambridge District Court.
2009: Juvenile Not Guilty of Attempt to Purchase Alcohol. Jury trial. Cambridge District Court.
2009: Not Guilty, Possession of Burglarious Tools, Dorchester District Court.
2009: Not Guilty, Trespassing, Cambridge Juvenile Court. Jury Trial.
2009: Motion for Sanctions Against the Prosecution for Not Providing Discovery. Motion Granted. Sanctions and Attorneys' Fees Assessed for $25,000; subsequently appealed and fees revised. Cambridge District Court.
2009: Motion Re. Competency to Stand Trial. Defendant Found Not Competent to Stand Trial; hospitalized and successfully rehabilitated. Charges Dismissed. Cambridge District Court.
2008: Not Guilty, Possession of Firearm, Possession of Ammo, Armed Career Criminal. Not Guilty on all charges. Middlesex Superior Court. Jury Trial.
2008: Not Guilty, Up to Lifetime Commitment avoided. Worcester Superior Court. Jury Trial.
2007: Not Guilty, Felon in Possession of a Firearm, Federal District Court. Jury Trial. Over 85% of Federal trials end in guilty verdicts -- far fewer end in "all Not Guilty" verdicts. This trial ended in Not Guilty verdicts on all counts.
2007: Not Guilty, Distribution. Suffolk Superior Court. Jury Trial.
2007: Motion for a New Trial, Granted; Subsequently, Defendant deemed not competent to stand trial. All charges dismissed. Indecent Assault & Battery. Cambridge Juvenile Court.
2006: Not Guilty, Resisting Arrest, Assault & Battery, Disorderly Conduct. Cambridge Juvenile Court. Evidence presented that juvenile had been beaten by responding officers -- civil suit followed Not Guilty verdicts.
2006. Not Guilty, Threats and Assault & Battery, Dorchester District Court. Jury Trial.
2006. Probation Violation Hearing. Not Violated. Arson, Breaking & Entering. Cambridge District Court.
2005: False Rape Allegation, All Charges Dismissed. Juvenile accused of rape -- after investigation and discovery proceedings revealed his accuser had issued thirteen unsubstantiated accusations, all charges were dismissed. Investigation credited to Investigative Consultants, Cambridge. Cambridge Juvenile Court.
2004: Not Guilty, Indecent Assault & Battery and Assault & Battery. Dorchester District Court. Jury Trial.
2004: Not Guilty, Intimidation of a Witness. Cambridge District Court. Jury Trial.
2004: Not Guilty, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Subsequent OUI. Dorchester District Court. Jury Trial.
2004: Not Guilty / Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity. Assault & Battery Dangerous Weapon, Assault & Battery, and Threats of Bomb. Not Guilty Jury Verdict on NGRI Defense -- minuscule number of cases are successfully tried with NGRI Jury Verdicts. Dorchester District Court. Jury Trial.
2004: Motion to Suppress Evidence Granted. Warrantless search of automobile. Charges Dismissed as a result. Conspiracy to Violate Drug Laws. Cambridge District Court.
2003: Not Guilty, Assault & Battery. Cambridge District Court. Jury Trial..
2003: Motion to Suppress Evidence Granted. All charges dismissed -- Possession of Class D, Possession of Firearm, Possession of Ammo. Dorchester District Court.
2003: Motion to Suppress Evidence Granted. Evidence Suppressed. Case Dismissed.
-- Complete list with additional detail available upon request.